Thursday, June 25, 2009

Weekly Word

Lately, my world is full of words I half-know. I'm trying to put words I half-know in the know. So maybe I could sound smart and make other people think I actually AM smart because of my impressive word usage. In my quest to appear to my fellow men to be smarter than the average bear, I offer up this week's Weekly Word:

Function: noun
1) observation by an auger, especially of the flight and feeding of birds to discover omens.
2)plural, kindly patronage and guidance
3) a prophetic sign; especially a favorable sign.

I had not idea it was so fortune-telling related. How scandalous a word. Oh, and I'm really just kidding about the impressing people thing. Really.


dolly d. said...

Hey, I wonder if you could start putting in the context in which you learned the word. That usually helps understand it better...and I'm kind of curious.

Sharona said...

This one is kinda funny actually. I saw this word while playing a word scrambler online. And I thought, no wonder I couldn't unscramble it! I don't know that one. Random, I know.