Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Weekly Word: Equanimity

So, I went to visit a certain someone, whom only those in the know, know with whom I had the pleasure of visiting, and oddly enough they had this printout for a new word just for me....and now that word is to be shared with all the dear souls that read this blog (yes, I mean all 3 of you....and I think I am 1 of the 3! :) ).

The word is Equanimity (if you use this word in a sentence..you will get a Chocolate bar from me in the mail!).

Webster has to say the following about equanimity:

Main Entry: equa·nim·i·ty
Pronunciation: \ˌē-kwə-ˈni-mə-tē, ˌe-kwə-\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural equa·nim·i·ties
Etymology: Latin aequanimitas, from aequo animo with even mind
Date: circa 1616

1 : evenness of mind especially under stress
2 : right disposition : balance

The article handed to me was written by Shaila Catherine and has an interesting quote "Neither the coarse feeling of unpleasantness nor the agitated feeling of pleasure, equanimity, the Buddha said, is on eof the highest kinds of happiness, beyond compare with mere pleasant feelings. Superior to delight and joy, true equanimity remains undisturbed as events change from hot to cold, from bitter to sweet, from easy to difficult."

Now, I don't know how I feel about this. It gives or evokes the sense that emotional stability, removed from all effects of external stimuli would be the optimal sense of being and a desired homeostasis. I however would argue that this is not the optimal.

My family tends to be a very even keeled family. We don't have too many in the group that are all over the place emotionally, that gets overly excited or overly depressed....however, certain in-laws and others have commented on this as a negative rather than a positive....so I found it interesting that this equanimity was/is/could be perceived as the epitome rather than a void of emotional connection with ones surroundings.

A penny for your thoughts? (Really, a chocolate bar for your thoughts!)


Anne said...

Might I be that certain in law??? Because I would argue that true happiness comes from the ability to experience the highs and lows of pleasure and pain. Equanimity, one could argue, is Satan's plan for us. He would have chosen that we all live in perfect harmony, not having to experience pain. However, without the opportunity to experience such pain, would we would have no understanding our "happiness." We would simply exist in this state of equanimity.

dolly d. said...

One could bring Satan into a weekly word discussion but it hardly seems necessary.

It seems to me that the quote describing the abiding state of equanimity does not deny the hot and cold happenings of life or suggest that all must "live in perfect harmony." Rather, equanimity brings harmony to all of life's circumstances.

I love the idea of equanimity and have actually heard the word used on a yoga tape. I want to have and am going to try using it in sentences over and over because, hey, I like candy bars, and Budda couldn't be famous for nothing.

Jefe said...

Well Anne, you are always that certain in law...even if you aren't. Like when I refer to the crazy in law, it's you....or when I post about a certain in law that drives me crazy....it's you....really....what other in laws do I talk about? :)

I have mixed feelings about equanimity....in some respects it seems indifferent and dispassionate (and thereby a refusal to really engage), and in others I think you could view it has having a long term (read as eternal) perspective on the events of life and their consequences.