Monday, October 5, 2009

Mothly Word...was Weekly Word, but I have been lazy!

I'm thinking....just wait...wait a!

Sorry, I opened this page about 2 hours ago...and then got stuck doing some other know that thing called work....which I don't really do, I only pretend to do.

Anyways, those that know me, know that I tend to call myself a geek/nerd. I like to read, I like computers, and I like technology in general. Recently, I was at a meeting and we were all asked to introduce ourselves (no, this meeting had nothing to do with meeting girls or declaring that I am an alcoholic, although both of the previous may be relevant, pertinent, and activities which I may indulge in from time to time.). In my introduction, I stated that I was a "geek" at which point a fellow attendee decided to indoctrinate me on the original definition of the word geek. I was so entirely enthralled with the definition that I have decided to share.

Main Entry: geek
Pronunciation: \ˈgēk\
Function: noun
Etymology: probably from English dial. geek, geck fool, from Low German geck, from Middle Low German
Date: 1914

1 : a carnival performer often billed as a wild man whose act usually includes biting the head off a live chicken or snake
2 : a person often of an intellectual bent who is disliked
3 : an enthusiast or expert especially in a technological field or activity

So, in reading the above....#2 may not shock you, except the part about being disliked....I mean really...doesn't everyone love geeks? #3 I think is the more modern/social definition of the word geek. But #1....I mean really....biting heads off of chickens? To say the least, I felt a bit foolish, odd, and at the same time proud (yeah....I did say odd didn't I?).

How often does someone associate you with something as eccentric as biting heads off of chickens? It is a rare day that I can walk around and say I bite heads off of chickens without everyone dropping their jaw, or losing their lunch, or just being absolutely I probably would be if I ever saw this act in person.

So, alas, I am a geek.....and there is a reason that there are no chickens around my house....i try to stay away from temptation!

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