Friday, May 15, 2009

Marathon Musings

I think I mentioned something about a marathon in a post or a comment recently. Really, it was a foreshadowing. Running a marathon has been in the back of my mind for years. And it has been more on the forefront the last month or so. I have lots of friends who have taken this step (my co-blogger, Mainer, Adrian in Provo, a lady I serve with in Young Women's at church), which keeps reminding me that I am jealous and would like to do one too (or at least have already DONE one! Ha ha.).

But I have hesitations. For reasons of, well, reason AND practicality, I'm not sold. My reservations include:

1) I do half marathons and even after just the 13 miles, I cannot walk properly for a day or two and it really has more to do with my joints than my muscles.

2) I was once diagnosed with fibromyalgia, which causes inexplicable feelings of being injured in my joints that can last for months -- which can really mess with a training schedule.

3) Even without fibromyalgia, when I up my mileage I frequently run into real injuries -- stiff ankles, IT Band acting up, hips with weird sharp pains -- doesn't sound good, I know.

4) Although I'd like to believe it, the idea of, "because you can do it, I can do it" just isn't a convincing argument. I don't buy it. There are LOTS of things you can do that I can't. For example, flossing on a regular basis. Being able to reach the top shelf in the kitchen cupboard without a step stool. Winning at games like Trivial Pursuit. See my point?

5) There is no real NEED to run a marathon. Why am I so obsessed? Even among runners, so many people say they think the 1/2 marathon is the best distance. Why can't I be happy with that?

But it still fascinates me and weighs on my mind. So, maybe it's time. After all, October will by my big 3-0. And what better way could there be to celebrate than to run my 1st marathon? Not to mention, it might help these 5 lbs of marriage and moving weight that keep hanging on for dear life to leave me, rather than (heaven forbid) bringing with them another 5 lbs to join them.

By george, I might be ready to do one.

So, I've done more serious looking. My birthday is Oct. 19th. Coincidentally, there is a marathon in Indianapolis (just two hours from me) on Sat. October 17th, and I checked out the course -- not too much incline or decline, not too much road and, overall, appears to be a friendly 1st timer's marathon. It's also a qualifier for the Boston, not that I'm planning on that, but hey, you never know how well you'll do or how much you'll love it, right? So, that marathon is about 5 months away and two days pre-birthday.

You can see -- I'm planning. Figuring. I'm leaning that way. But I'm still not sure. I am going to start training. However, I'm not committing or registering quite yet. I'm so prone to injury and I want to see how training goes. But I would also like some advice regarding a few matters. So, any of my running friends out there, and anybody else who has insights or opinions about marathons, if you could peruse the following and let me know your thoughts, I'd love to know what you think!!!

1) I am very over-use injury prone. I have read on some training websites that you should be used to running 25 miles/wk pretty regularly for the year previously to be reasonably safe from overuse injuries. I've also read that you shouldn't up your mileage more than 10% from week to week. On the other hand, there is the Hal Higdin's tried and true training schedule that goes for 18 weeks and doesn't mention any such things.

As for me, I find the less I kill myself during training, the more likely I will survive till and through race day. I usually don't run more than 2 or 3 days a week and cross train on other days. However, this could be a contributing factor as to why I feel so jacked up just after a 1/2 marathon -- because I may have under-trained. Hard to tell. And my running since marriage has been incredibly inconsistent. Before it, I was probably doing a good 7-12 miles a week. But it's been 8 months and, while I'm not totally out of shape, I haven't been consistent since then. And I don't have a year before my 30th birthday. With my low mileage in consideration, should I wait till 31 or just go for it? I hav about 5 months till race day.

2) Why did you run a marathon, how did it affect you physically and what is your overall assessment from the experience?

It shouldn't be SUCH a big deal, right? I've been a leisurely runner for 12 years. I just don't want to end up hating the experience or, worse, having to live with the disastrously painful and long-healing consequences. :)


Johnny and Anny said...

Marathons aren't planned into my future yet, I'm still working on a 10K...but, on the biggest loser, the last four contestants had to run a FULL 26.2 marathon in one swoop. Check out the episode on (either week 17 or 18) and the training advice they gave to the contestants. One of the guys had major knee problems, and he still finished!

Best of luck!! You are way more determined than I am!

Sharona said...

Whatever. I bet you're already ready for your 5/10k, whichever you decide to do. And as for determination, I'm not committed yet. And I'm pretty sure Ben just thinks it makes me crazy. :)

Jefe said...

If you want to do it, I'll do it with you...though I have a long way to go.

dolly d. said...

You know? I have a tendency to laugh at how you will go back and forth and back and forth about this. Then today I realized that it is kind of like me wanting to lose 5 to 10 pounds. Part of me really wants to do it just to see if I could and what it would feel like, but part of me is not sure if it would actually unhealthy or not...afterall, I'm pretty healthy just how I am. But it still sounds cool. I'll stop laughing at you. ;)

Kate Smith said...

DON'T DO IT!!!!!!Running is like killing yourself with every little step. Now, if you could 'elipticize' a marathon, you'd have my full support! k8

Wanderingfamilies said...

Remember the goal is to FINISH. The End. Don't have a time goal - stupid because you will end up injured. Also, get the book "non-runners marathon trainer" because the weekly mileage will prevent injuries and prepare you to do well in your first marathon...

Sharona said...

Thanks Mainer! I'll check it out. My BIGGEST goal is NOT to kill or seriously injure myself if I do a marathon. Then my goal after that will be to finish. :)