Friday, September 16, 2011

First Wart

What a milestone to be having, right? I'm sure my mother would be very proud. Of course, I blame this on Ben, as the hepatitis virus that causes it clearly must have come from him. Otherwise, I'm sure I wouldn't be having my first wart at the fabulously aged prime of 31.

Location of wart: my right pointer finger. Kinda not an ideal location.
Size: small
Discovery: maybe in May or June?

So, I let it sit there for a while. It wasn't incredibly noticeable. it wasn't painful. But it was there, and warts are supposed to be gross. So I thought maybe I should get rid of it. I got some wart remover stuff at the store -- it's an ointment you squeeze onto the wart. Then you let it dry and stay there all day and it's supposed to kill "it". It says to use the ointment for up to 12 weeks.

I DID initially think 12 weeks was too long. Little did I know how right I was. I got through one week. And then, I looked at my poor finger and thought, " if I continue, I may not have much of a finger left. I think I will stop."

And now, instead of a little, hardly noticeable bump on my finger that, YES, was a wart (ew), I now have a large flesh wound. Said would can be seen here:

I know. Pretty tragic, right? The packaging on the medication said not to use on reddenned skin. I'm pretty sure scarred and lesioned should qualify as well.

1 comment:

dolly d. said...

Ha ha ha ha ha! My sister once had a cluster of teeny warts on the back of her calf. She smooshed up some garlic and smeared it on them to burn them off. It totally worked, only she got a bunch of healthy skin too. I'm pretty sure it hurt, and she ended up with this 3-inch round white scar looking thing on the back of her leg for a while. I think it went away eventually, but that was an ordeal.