Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Growing Up and Getting Married

Ben and I celebrated our THIRD anniversary on Monday. It's not a whole lot of years in the grand scheme of things. But it makes me feel like we're established. When I think about what being married over the past three years has taught me, I would say one of the biggest lessons has been how much we're all really still kids. But I get to act like it again, now that I'm married.

I like to cuddle a lot. And now, I get to be cuddled almost every night. I used to be cuddled a lot when I was little too.

Marriage has caused Ben and I to engage in more tickle fights, wet willy attempts and thumb wrestles than I have waged in all of my previous adult years.

I have to share again. This includes taking turns to kill the spider, wash clothes, eat the last few bites of ice cream or drive to wherever it is we have to go.

There is other sharing too. Decision making over expenditures is no longer an independent choice and I have to check with someone else about my schedule now before I make commitments or tell someone they can come over to play.

What I'm really saying is, most of my adult life was a farce. So, for all the singles out there, you don't really need to try to be such a grown up. Because when you get married, you're just going to be a kid again anyway.

1 comment:

Speed Dating Glasgow said...

Maybe it'll sound strange, but you seem to be a wise man) I've read about marriage anything but nothing like this. An interesting observation of yours.