Monday, November 23, 2009

Home Sweet Home

I always knew I didn't feel like our apartment was home. It's nice enough. I like the two bathrooms. And the kitchen's not so bad. But I'm just not at home there. It's a little too small, Ben has no place to garden, I'm a 1/2 hour away from any viable shopping center... and the list goes on.

I have had visions of hope for moving. I first thought Ben and I might buy a home here. But then we decided that we shouldn't. Even if we're here for 2 more years, it just doesn't make enough monetary sense to us at this point. And then, for a brief couple days I thought maybe we'd move from Ohio altogether. Nope. We're here. Probably for a couple more years.

Are you seriously telling me I have to stay couped up in this little apartment for two more years!?!? Of course I don't! So, I'm lobbying for a move. Ben's a sucker for a lawn. And double bonus (in the only way this could possibly be seen as a bonus) -- we have another mouse. GROSS! And who wants to stay in a mousy apartment? I mean, really.

I can just taste victory. I'm already doing the happy dance in the living room of our new rented single family unit in my mind.


dolly d. said...

Oo, sounds exciting. And I wish you the best. It is very fun to have a bigger place...and I too am looking forward to a lawn in the spring.

Anne said...

A little dirt to play in is therapeutic. You absolutely deserve a single family home!

dolly d. said...

So, have you found anything?