Saturday, February 23, 2013

News About My Twin

They actually gave me a hospital bracelet when I went in for the bibopsy. Evidence that I was an admitted patient, if only for 45 minutes. Bibopsy was Thursday. They called me Friday afternoon with the results of the test.

It's benign! It's a fibro-adenoma, as they suspected. And this fibro-adenoma is apparently harmless and needs no treatment. I really can't express how much of a load off my mind that is. Thanks for thoughts and prayers that were sent my way. I really appreciate it.


Unknown said...

Yeah! I'm so happy for you. What a relief I'm sure.

Unknown said...

Thanks Mikol! Yeah, BIG relief. :)

eclaires said...

I'm glad all is well. Sorry, but I didn't pray for you... I've been behind on blog reading. But does it count that I've thought of you? ;) Hope so.

And your bibopsy play-by-play moments were quite entertaining.

Glad all is well.