So, Sharona has been doing the publishing on this little blog, and it a little searching I realized that 1. I have done very little; 2. She is much more ambitious with her online profiles (namely multiple of them) and I should learn from her; 3. I really hate routine (shocker I know); and 4. I should blog more.
Why you ask? Well, I will tell you....because I have all sorts of philosophical questions that need parsing and while my wife, as dear and sweet as she is, does indulge me, I feel bad forcing her to banter about the weird and ridiculous notions that fly between my ears. Also, I have been accused by more than one person as not being very expressive, so maybe blogging will help with that? Not to mention, that if you are reading this blog, well, I'm not sure what to say about you..but thank you regardless!
So, what has been running through my brain as of late, more than I can summarize, but I will attempt to list some things on this little blog that have happened in my life and things that may happen sometime in the future.
As many or none of you may know, I run my own business, a law firm. And it has done a wonderful job of providing me with opportunities, given me the flexibility and freedom that I so desire, and above all that, it provides me with a decent paycheck...go figure. It was started with what some may argue is hard work, a lot of patience, a lot of spiritual reflection and expression (may be interpreted as thought and prayer), and a whole lot of luck (we won't talk about what luck really is, but I may have an argument that it is an answer to prayer). Anyways, after the last...almost 5 years (I know, crazy right?) I was thinking I needed an change. So, I wondered what that change would be and how it would come about...and I still don't know..but I went down a windy path.
I started looking at merging my firm with other firms.....that seemed interesting....afterall, new environment, more people around me to bounce ideas off of, potential for cross-polination, all that bigger and better I interviewed with a bunch of firms. (Wow that is a long sentence). And of course, I had a few siblings doing the whole interview thing, so why wouldn't I? After interviewing with 4 or 5 firms, all of them expressed an interest in my practice and what I do. But in the end....none of them seemed like the right fit. Either too little money, the feeling of being more of an employee and less of a partner, or the notion of not being able to take vacation when I wanted to just seemed like an odd mix of not enough benefit for the negatives.
In the end, after a few months of checking out other firms, Erika and I decided that it would be best to pass on the merger idea...what's next? I don't know...for now, I'll stick with the firm and see where it takes me. Afterall, I have some great clients, and not too bad of a work/life balance.
More to come...hopefully.
1 comment:
Well, Jeffy! Did you interview in Utah??? I think you should...I would sure love to eat some of your homemade pasta! :) I am glad to see you are blogging...
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