Thursday, June 30, 2011


Ben went to meet with the stake president yesterday to replace his lost temple recommend. A good thing right? Well, it was. Until it took a turn for the worst. In a nutshell, he told Ben we should hurry up and have some babies already. I have so far been able to happily ignore any other indications that we are late comers to the parent club.

Don't get me wrong. I have no intention of having a baby just because my stake president told me to. But it's going to make me feel SO much more guilty for however long it takes us till we have kids.


Smith Family said...

My advice- you shouldn't feel guilty one bit! It is between you, Ben and the Lord. Not even your Stake Pres. can receive revelation for when you should have kids. It was his opinion- that's all and he can definitely share it. You know what is right for you guys with Heavenly Father's guidance. Just wanted to put in my 2 bits :) Love ya!

eclaires said...

All I have to say is WOW.

Sharona said...

Umm, so clarification is in order. Apparently it was not the stake president -- it was one of his counselors. And apparently he didn't actually say "you need to hurry up and have babies". He just asked Ben if we had them and then why we didn't have them yet. this news makes me feel much better.

Wanderingfamilies said...

Glad for the clarification...because it is no one's business, but yours...enjoy being a couple - everything changes (mostly for the good)when babies come...