I will recount for you, AND show pictures of three nights spent here in Ohio.
First, some lovely photos, if you wonder what Sharon and Ben are looking like now a days, here are a couple of prime shots that should give you an idea:
Nice eh? You can thank Ben for this view. I would have put up pictures of our amazing form or animation whenever we got strikes, as I recall taking shots like that of Ben. However, Ben is apparently not really into getting lots of different shots, and when he was the man with the camera and I was up to bowl, it appears this is the only view he bothered to take a picture of. I don't know quite how to read that. Either it's big enough he thinks he can't get another angle or he just really likes it.
I have however, been improving on my ad hoc couple shots. Here's are faces after date night (we're both smiling because at the end of three grueling games, Sharon finally managed to break 100. Otherwise, only Ben would be smiling. :))
That was the weekend, when we get all wild and crazy-like and do wild and crazy-like things, like bowling. It's quite the thing out here, actually. We live within 5 minutes driving distance of 3 bowling alleys. And the first one we went to was still doing league games and had no room for us on their lanes. Serious, it's serious business out here.
On the more mild weeknights, however, Sharon and Ben do milder things. Like take walks. On some of these nights, Sharon needs convincing to go on walks despite the fact she likes exercise -- like when there are piles of snow everywhere. As it turns out Sharon (I just like talking about myself in the third person sometimes. It's amusing.) likes to shovel snow and she likes to snow shoe in it. But she doesn't really care to play in it nor does she appreciate the cold air that accompanies it whenever it comes. But Ben succeeded in giving her a puppy dog face for long enough to take a walk. Here are photos of the little jaunt around the neighborhood:
I was trying to look happy in that shot, but I really just wasn't convinced this whole "walk in the snow" idea was that great.
Here you see a very happy man making a snow angel. He was very proud of his work after he was finished. I was invited to enjoy this lovely past time, but declined. As I mentioned before, I like to shovel snow (I know. Wierd) and I like to snow shoe, but not really to play. When did I get so adultish and dull?
And above you can see how clever a couple we really are. We walked to the local park on our street, which isn't really a park at all. It has a sign stating that it's a park, in case you didn't realize, which you wouldn't because all it is is about 1/16th of an acre of ground with a gazebo at the end of a cul de sac full of houses. Nonetheless, Ben thought we should make use of these public lands for our own amusement and asked what word art we should put in the snow. I tried to think of something witty -- like a funny quote or pop phrase. The only thing that came to mind was "Obama Mama". Don't ask me why. I don't even know what that is. But I had no desire to write anything politically related in the snow and I couldn't think of any fun quotes because I suck at stuff like that, so I was left to Ben's brains. He thought up " I Love Snow". So we went with that. But then we realized, the geniuses that we are, that we were writing to big for our little park to fit the words without going into someone's front lawn so we had to find a smaller phrase. And thus the ever-universally unoffensive, and the most statementless publicly graffitied EVERYWHERE phrase of all phrases came into being: I "Heart" U. We're no better than a doodling 5th grade girl in the bathroom.
Last of all. We have just last night for our "Nightlife" overview, which shall be recited in scriptural form:
Book of SharonBen
Chapter 1
1) And Ben said unto Sharon, Wilt thou cut mine hair, so that I may not look so like Samson and present myself to my fellow men in this disheveled state?
2) But husband, Sharon said, Why dost thou entreat me to do such a thing when thou knowest I have no formal education in such matters?
3) Dear wife, said Ben, I have laid myself at the hands of lesser artisans at Great Clips, where great harm has befallen me, and entreat you that I think you wilst do no worse harm, and may even serve me better, and we will be able to save our dinaro for better things. Hast thou cut hair before? Ever?
4) Why yes, dear husband. Four times have I cut hair, for my people living in the lands far east of here. But they were desperate and poor. And we lived in Russia where no one cared.
5) Well, said Ben, then let us begin.
6) And Sharon said unto her husband, "Perhaps we shall delay this until a few morrows from now. In the event that some harm may befall your head at my hands, we may travel to the abode of some artisan who can repair it. At this late hour, you shall have to work tomorrow with whatever my hands have done.
7) To this Ben said, "Nay wife. For we have tonight to do it and shan't waste this time."
8) And so Sharon and Ben delayed no more and Sharon brought forth the shearing tools and made work with her hands. And all the while she wondered why he didst insist on this evening. Though what he says is true that they had an available night, she puzzled at why he would make haste, as they have almost every night available. And she pondered these matters in her heart.
9) Behold Sharon and Ben's first hair cut together.
And after the hair cut was over, Ben looked at the effects of this work. And smiled and said, It is good.