Saturday, January 21, 2012

January Update

It has been about 2 months since I finished classes. I have yet to receive my certificate in the mail that officially declares I graduated with my MBA, but the lack of anxiety from looming tests and projects seems to be good enough evidence to convince me. It's really over.

And life without homework and finals is just as lovely as I remember it. It's also still just as busy! I knew there were things I had been neglecting! Now that I am back to EVERYTHING ELSE, Ben has finally realized the truth about me -- I like to stay busy. What can you do?

But this year comes with lots of things to look forward to. I hope. First, I am hoping it brings a new job. I have had a few interviews already and hope there will be more, one of which will HOPEFULLY turn into a lovely new job. And I'm even more hopeful that said lovely new job will be in another state, within close proximity to someone we're related to. Because the truth is, we get lonely down here in Cincinnati sometimes. And we think 3 years of missing out on spending time with family is sufficient. But, we could always end up staying. So, we'll see what happens. I'll let you know if any big developments come up.

Along with that, I like to daydream about buying a house. Finally. A fixer-upper, actually, because I'm just so picky. And I figure, if I know I'm going to have to redo it anyway, why not start with something that desperately needs redoing? How awesome would THAT be?! I daydreamed about it for the entire car-ride home yesterday. I had 3/4's of the floor plan on the 1st level worked out by the time I rolled into the parking lot.

I am all aglow with the prospects of traveling to Europe as well. Either France or England. Or both. I don't know yet. But we're going sometime this summer. And I always love crossing the pond.

These are a few of my dreams for this year. I have more. But I think this list is good enough for sharing for now. Sometimes, I think my life is good just because I like to look forward to things so much. I'm a dreamer, for better or worse. And whether or not they come true, my dreams make me happy all the same.

1 comment:

eclaires said...

I totally know what you mean about having things to look forward to. I feel my life is missing something when I'm not mulling over and looking forward to some future events or dreams of what could be future events. :)